Virtual Oil & Gas Overview Course – We’ve converted our live Oil & Gas Overview Course to a virtual platform which offers you the same great content and continuing education credits in the comfort of your own home. The oil and natural gas industry is broad and complex, so IPAA has partnered with Energy Training Resources, LLC and developed an information-packed course that connects the functional and commercial aspects of the industry. The course has an upstream focus with some midstream information and will thoroughly cover the following topics:
Continuing education units (CEUs) available through:
In-House Trainings – You Choose – we are still able to conduct live courses virtually through Teams or Zoom and are offering 1/2 off the prices of those courses. Courses can be customized or you can choose from one of these from our catalog:
eLearning Courses – Online – we currently offer two courses online. 1) Petroleum Geology for Non-Geologists and 2) U.S. Mineral Rights and Leasing. They are media-rich and information packed. Upon completion AAPL members receive 10 recertification credits. Partnered with Energy Training Resources, LLC.
Online Donations – You can now make donations through your member portal. You can make a donation as an individual or if you are your company’s contact, you can login and make a donation on behalf of your organization.
AmazonSmile – AmazonSmile donates .5% of your eligible purchases to a charity of your choice and our IPAA Educational Foundation is now listed as a charity option! This is a simple and automated way to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you!