
Do you shop on Amazon? We do too!
Did you know about AmazonSmile? We didn’t either!

AmazonSmile donates .5% of your eligible purchases to a charity of your choice and our IPAA Educational Foundation is now listed as a charity option! This is a simple and automated way to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you!

If that sounds as great to you as it does to us – below are the directions to select us and your charity!

Go to
a. If you’ve never been to this site before you can select us by typing “Ipaa Educational Foundation” in the search bar.
b. If you want to change your charity, go to ‘Your Account’ – scroll to ‘Other programs’ then ‘Change your AmazonSmile charity’ then type in “Ipaa Educational Foundation’ in the ‘Or pick your own charitable organization”‘ line and select ‘Search’ and then click on the yellow button to ‘Select’

It’s that easy!

Now, every time you shop on .5% of all eligible items will go towards our mission of preparing tomorrow’s energy leaders.

Make it seamless by bookmarking

If you are as excited about this as us, and would be willing to help us spread the work, contact Nikki Thomas. She can get you artwork for online newsletters, printed materials, and etc.

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