Steel & Aluminum Tariffs Tag

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Letters and Comments Jun 18, 2018

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members: The undersigned organizations represent a broad array of U.S. manufacturers, retailers, technology companies, farmers and agribusinesses and other supply chain stakeholders. We are writing to express our deep and increasing concern with the direction of America’...

Letters and Comments May 18, 2018

We strongly urge the Department of Commerce to finalize its Rule as soon as possible to minimize disruptions to business and to American job creation, and to realize the Administration’s goal of achieving “energy dominance,” which necessarily relies on complex interwoven global supply chains o...

Letters and Comments May 17, 2018

These comments are filed on behalf of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA). The Bureau of Industry and Security solicited comments on the implications of actions taken by the Trump Administration with regard to tariffs and limitations on steel imports. In March, the Trump Admin...

Letters and Comments May 16, 2018

These comments are submitted by the Alliance for Competitive Steel and Aluminum Trade (IPAA is a cosigner) on the interim final rule (the Interim Regulations) which amend the National Security Industrial Base Regulations (the Existing Regulations). The amendments set forth a process for U.S. compani...

Letters and Comments Mar 22, 2018

Dear Chairman Brady and Ranking Member Neal: The associations submitting this letter request that our comments be included in the record for the hearing held on March 22 with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. Our specific comments relate to the Section 232 tariffs recently imposed on steel......

Letters and Comments Mar 8, 2018

Dear President Trump: As the Trump Administration has so clearly identified and stressed, America is now poised to enter an era where it can exert an energy dominance in the world energy marketplace. The growth and potential growth of American oil and natural gas production......