Apr 20, 2018 Midyear Meeting 2018 Schedule

Schedule of Events
12:00 pm
Resort activities on your own
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Conference Registration Open
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Conference Registration Open
7:30 am – 8:45 am
Finance Committee Breakfast Committee Members Only
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
WELCOME & INTRODUCTION | Dan Naatz, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Political Affairs, IPAA
Legal Challenges Facing Operators on Federal Lands
MODERATOR | Mallori Miller, Director of Government Relations, IPAA
SPEAKER | Kathleen C. Schroder, Partner, Davis, Graham & Stubbs LLP
Hear the latest update on the ongoing Western Energy Alliance/IPAA litigation effort on the Obama-era Venting and Flaring Rule. Other legal challenges in the federal lands space and a forecast of future issues also will be the highlight of this presentation.
State Perspective on Wildlife Conservation
MODERATOR | Sam McDonald, Director of Government Relations, IPAA
SPEAKER | Glen Hegar, Texas Comptroller
This presentation will focus on Texas’ perspective on state wildlife conservation. It will outline the Comptrollers’ role in helping to revise and improve the Texas Conservation Plan and how the Lone Star State can balance the evolving challenges of protecting native species with the need to keep the state’s economy vibrant and growing.
EPA Oil & Gas Production Policies
MODERATOR | Lee O. Fuller, Executive Vice President, IPAA
SPEAKER | Anne Idsal, EPA’s South Central Region (Region 6) Administrator
Administrator Idsal will discuss EPA priorities, and how it’s working cooperatively with independent producers on upcoming agency actions.
IPAA Legislative and Regulatory Status Report
SPEAKERS | Dan Naatz, Lee Fuller, Susan Ginsberg, Sam McDonald, Mallori Miller, Ryan Ullman
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Board of Directors’ Meeting Open to All Attendees and Board Members; Closed to Members of the Press
2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Association Update
SPEAKER | Barry Russell, President & CEO, IPAA
Award Presentation
IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center Teacher of the Year Award
PRESENTER | Galen Cobb, Vice President of Industry Relations, Halliburton
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Concurrent Committee Meetings:
- Capital Markets
- Wildcatters Fund PAC
- Natural Gas
4:15 pm – 5:00 pm
Concurrent Committee Meetings:
- Membership
- Crude Oil & Tax
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Roustabout Dinner Roustabout Members and Spouse/Guest Only
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Hobson is one of the most in-demand comedy magicians working today. His refreshing and clever mix of comedy and magic has brought him back for repeat performances all over the world. His most recent award is “Best Comedy Magic” given by the International Magic Awards Association.
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Conference Registration Open
8:00 am – 9:00 am
Midterm Election Outlook
MODERATOR | Dan Naatz, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Political Affairs, IPAA
SPEAKER | The Honorable Jim Gerlach, President & CEO, BIPAC
9:00 am – 9:45 am
A Bipartisan View From Capitol Hill
MODERATOR | Ron Whitmire, Senior Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, EnerVest, Ltd.
The Honorable Will Hurd (R-TX)
The Honorable Vincente Gonzalez (D-TX)
Congressmen Will Hurd (R-TX-23) and Vincente Gonzalez (D-15-TX) are two of the rising stars in the Texas congressional delegation and the House of Representatives. They will provide a “Bipartisan View from Capitol Hill” and discuss ways independent oil and natural gas producers can work with them to develop workable solutions to various issues facing the industry. Both members are strong advocates for American energy security and will examine the importance of oil and natural gas exports, the North American Free Trade Agreement and other issues looming on the horizon in Congress and in Washington, D.C. At a time when finding bipartisan solutions to issues has become tougher to achieve, both of these Representatives will discuss their approach to bridging that gap and develop solutions that help all Americans.
10:00 am – 10:45 am
The Future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
MODERATOR | Lee O. Fuller, Executive Vice President, IPAA
SPEAKER | Guillermo Malpica Soto, Head of the Trade and NAFTA Office, Mexican Ministry of Economy, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Malpica, the lead negotiator for Mexico on the energy chapters of NAFTA, will provide an overview of the NAFTA 2.0 negotiations as well as Mexico’s broader agenda for trade negotiations, and then will take a deeper dive into the process ahead, including a detailed explanation of the energy-related provisions in NAFTA 2.0. He will also share insights from the Mexican Energy Ministry on Mexico’s future plans for energy investment and development.
11:00 am – 11:45 am
Geopolitical Dimensions of U.S. Energy Exports
A look into European energy security and beyond.
MODERATOR | Fred Lawrence, Vice President of Economics and International Affairs, IPAA
SPEAKER | Anna Mikulska, Nonresident Fellow in Energy Studies, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy
Thanks to the shale revolution, the US has become once again world’s top energy producer. U.S. monthly crude production has recently surpassed 10 million barrels, level unseen since the records registered in October and November of 1970. The EIA forecasts that in 2018 also U.S. natural gas production will hit record levels. The abundant natural gas and petroleum hydrocarbons have supported the country’s hydrocarbon consumption. They also allowed the U.S. to re-enter energy market as natural gas and petroleum exporter and provided important economic as well as potential geopolitical benefits.
Ms. Mikulska’s research looks specifically into the geopolitical potential the US natural gas exports – in the form of LNG – may have in Europe as the continent strives to ensure security of energy supply and diversify its supply sources away from Russia. Such diversification strategy has only become available as natural gas market become deeper and more liquid (no pun intended) thanks to large scale use of liquefaction, spot trading, and long term contracts linked increasingly to hub rather than oil prices.
As such the natural gas market becomes more like the highly fungible global crude market, the latter entered by the U.S. after the crude export ban was lifted in 2015. And while U.S. crude exports could not add too much to the already nimble market dynamics, they were able to ensure higher level of energy security worldwide. U.S. provides additional crude volumes that come from dependable petroleum hydrocarbon suppliers in the world where regime/political instability and geopolitical considerations have often contributed to dramatic crude price fluctuations affecting security of supply and potentially economic performance of world economy.
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Membership Luncheon
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Key Macro Trends You Need to Leverage Now
INTRODUCTION | David Gallagher, President and CEO, American Gilsonite
SPEAKER | Kelly McDonald, Founder, McDonald Marketing, Multicultural Marketing and Business Trends Expert
Consumers – and our culture – are changing at lightning speed now. The companies that stay abreast of rapidly changing consumer trends win: in business growth, profit, loyalty and customer satisfaction.
The key trends covered in this presentation are:
- consumer communication preferences – and the new DIY mindset
- the expectation for customization – in everything
- values-based marketing and why it’s here to stay
- desire for simplicity – and experiences over things
- how companies are growing by showing “the real real”
These key macro trends affect all businesses today, but for the oil and gas industry, the impact is profound – your industry reflects how we live and work. Companies that demonstrate that they “get” their customers and “get them now” are positioned as experts, trusted guides and “the good guys”.
This presentation covers current macro consumer insights and real-world examples from successful brands and companies. Additionally, actionable, strategies are presented so that attendees can apply what they learn right away.
Kelly will be selling her books following the presentation.
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
Advocacy, Storytelling, and Crisis in a Digital Age
In the age of digital media and citizen activism, companies face a fast-moving communications and policy environment. Political and brand strategists Vincent Harris and Michael Shannon will share how companies can identify and mobilize supporters, define and tell their stories, and prevent and manage crises. You’ll learn about the latest strategies and tools through examples from the campaign trail and Corporate America.
MODERATOR | Neal Kirby, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, IPAA
Vincent Harris, Founder & CEO, Harris Media
Mike Shannon, Partner, Vianovo
2:30 pm – 3:15 pm
CEO Roundtable
Leading U.S. oil and natural gas executives will participate in an informative, yet informal, Q&A discussion on pressing issues facing the industry regarding operational, political, financial and environmental concerns. Audience members are encouraged to come prepared to ask questions of the participants.
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MODERATOR | Mike Watford, IPAA Chairman
Tim Leach, Chairman & CEO, Concho Resources Inc.
Doug Suttles, President & CEO, Encana Corporation
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Cooperating Associations’ Meeting
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Former IPAA Chairmen Meeting Former IPAA Chairmen Only
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Program Committee Meeting
Open to anyone interested in helping shape the Annual Meeting in New Orleans and explore new ideas for future IPAA Programs. Closed to members of the press.
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
ENTERTAINER | John Arthur Martinez
One of the Hill Country’s favorite singer songwriters, he’s proven his talent on stages all over the world.Martinez finished in second place on the first season of the USA Network talent show Nashville Star. He has played in the Country Rendezvous in France with Mark Chesnut & The Greencards and the Grand Ole Opry with Carrie Underwood and Charlie Pried.