NEPA Modernization Coalition Requests to Meet With CEQ Chair Brenda Mallory

NEPA Modernization Coalition Requests to Meet With CEQ Chair Brenda Mallory

To Ms. Mallory:

The undersigned members of the Unlock American Investment coalition congratulate you on your confirmation to serve as Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Your extensive experience makes you well qualified to serve in this important role. We look forward to working with you on topics of mutual interest.

The U.S. is falling behind in the quality of our infrastructure, a fact that threatens economic growth and competitiveness. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ most recent report card gave U.S. infrastructure a “C-” and the World Economic Forum ranked the U.S. 13th in the world for the overall quality of our infrastructure. We appreciate the President’s focus on improving the quality of our nation’s infrastructure, from roads and bridges to broadband and electric transmission.

There is no doubt we need such investments to help grow the economy, as well as to revitalize disadvantaged and underserved communities. However, investment alone is not enough. To realize their associated benefits, we need to ensure that the full range of critical infrastructure projects can be delivered in a timely manner. This effort must be accompanied by improvements in the federal environmental review and permitting process. …