Mar 25, 2020 Multi Industry Letter Supporting DHS CISA Critical Infrastructure Uniform Definition
Dear Mr. President, Governors, Mayors and other local elected officials:
We recognize and appreciate the aggressive steps that are being taken to respond to the threats of the COVID-19 virus. We represent the manufacturers, distributors and supply chain of the products and raw materials that ensure public health and safety during these times of a pandemic. Protecting our workforce, their families and our communities are our top priorities.
Unfortunately, there are well-intentioned actions being taken at the state and local levels that may fundamentally impede or otherwise threaten the supply of critical products. It is imperative that the federal, state and local governments come together with uniform definitions of “critical infrastructure” making clear what manufacturers must continue to operate, as well as take seriously the need to transport those products and have the workforce available to keep operations running. Curfews that do not consider transportation and workforce needs could quickly become significant barriers to not only supply chains, but also actual supplies. Accordingly, we are asking for the following actions to be coordinated in the most expedient fashion: