Letter to the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy on the Science Advisory Board Review of EPA’s Draft Assessment of Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water

Letter to the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy on the Science Advisory Board Review of EPA’s Draft Assessment of Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water

This letter is being sent on behalf of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA). IPAA represents the thousands of independent oil and natural gas explorers and producers, as well as the service and supply industries that support their efforts, that will most directly be impacted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy decisions to regulate methane directly from the oil and natural gas sector. Independent producers develop about 95 percent of American oil and natural gas wells, produce 54 percent of American oil, and produce 85 percent of American natural gas. Historically, independent producers have invested over 150 percent of their cash flow back into American oil and natural gas development to find and produce more American energy. IPAA is dedicated to ensuring a strong, viable American oil and natural gas industry, recognizing that an adequate and secure supply of energy is essential to the national economy.