Jul 1, 2019 IPAA Comments on Proposed Rule to Reclassify American Burying Beetle from Endangered to Threatened
Posted at 10:06h
in Letters and Comments
Re: Comments on Proposed Rule to Reclassify the American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) from Endangered to Threatened on the Federal List and Proposed Endangered Species Act Section 4(d) Rule FWS-R2-ES-2018-0029
IPAA supports the proposed rules to downlist and reclassify the American Burying Beetle from “endangered” to “threatened” status. IPAA respectfully submits our comments with the attached report (
ASL-IPAA-TPPF-Carothers-Beetle-Delist-Petition-2015.pdf (1291 downloads )
) conducted by the SWCA Environmental Consultants and commissioned by the IPAA and other parties in 2015. The data in this report is frequently referenced in the comments below.