IPAA Appreciates Natural Gas Executive Order

IPAA Appreciates Natural Gas Executive Order

Today, President Obama issued an executive order that establishes a working group to coordinate federal efforts on hydraulic fracturing. IPAA President and CEO Barry Russell welcomed this initiative:

“The White House executive order has a very good intent – centralizing the many ongoing reviews of hydraulic fracturing policies and proposals. We hope this order provides the administration with a more comprehensive understanding of the federal government’s increasing regulatory grasp on the industry.

“A key mission of this new coordination effort should be to reach out to the state agencies who already regulate hydraulic fracturing and the industry’s other practices.”

IPAA represents America’s independent producers who drill 95 percent of our nation’s oil and natural gas wells. Independents produce 54 percent of U.S. oil and 85 percent of U.S. natural gas.

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Julia Bell
