Jan 4, 2018 Expanding U.S. Offshore Potential Advances America First Energy Policy
WASHINGTON, D.C. – IPAA Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Political Affairs Dan Naatz issued the following statement welcoming the Department of the Interior’s Five-Year Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program, which is a broad plan that includes nearly all offshore areas available for leasing:
“Today’s announcement advances a true America First energy policy, while further encouraging a robust public discussion about our nation’s energy potential. IPAA has long-advocated for placing all of America’s offshore energy potential on the table for consideration, including the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, the mid-Atlantic, and Alaska’s waters, at this early stage in the decision-making process. Expanding access to additional offshore reserves allows the United States to better understand where production potential exists and where capital should be invested. Although this is just the first step in a long process, today’s proposal is exactly the signal industry needs to drive this work forward and we applaud the efforts of the Interior Department to create new opportunities for our workforce and for safe energy development here at home.
“The Draft Proposed Program is another sign of this administration’s support for expanding safe, responsible development of America’s abundant energy resources. Whether onshore or off, U.S. oil and natural gas production is a highly regulated process made possible by advanced technological innovation and a commitment to our environment and safety. This commitment can be seen across the country every day and will continue to underpin new development in America for years to come. IPAA looks forward to engaging in the public comment period to provide our continued support for this plan.”
Learn more about American independent oil and gas producers’ active role offshore at www.ipaa.org/offshore.
About the Independent Petroleum Association of America
The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) is a national upstream trade association representing thousands of independent oil and natural gas producers and service companies across the United States. Independent producers develop 90 percent of the nation’s oil and natural gas wells. These companies account for 54 percent of America’s oil production, 85 percent of its natural gas production, and support over 2.1 million American jobs. Learn more about IPAA by visiting www.ipaa.org and following @IPAAaccess on Twitter.