Antiquities Act Multigroup Letter to President Biden

Antiquities Act Multigroup Letter to President Biden

Dear President Biden:

In furtherance of your efforts to unleash the full potential of the nation’s economy and address the impact of rising prices on the American people, and in recognition of your acknowledgement of the essential role that the ocean plays in our economy and livelihoods, the undersigned groups representing workers, communities, and businesses from across the economy and country urge your support for using science-based and transparent processes when considering actions to manage the ocean for current and future generations.

We have become increasingly concerned by calls for the administration to establish “fully and highly protected areas” in 30% of the U.S. ocean by 2030, including through marine monuments designated under the Antiquities Act. Concerns have been further heightened by recent decisions to restore a commercial fishing prohibition in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument and join the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, which commits the United States to actions that could lead to further prohibitions.

Using the Antiquities Act to prohibit access to and economic activity in vast amounts of the U.S. ocean would needlessly harm jobs and economic activity and raise prices for Americans on everything from food and energy to beyond…